10 New Year’s Resolutions for Moms
New Year, Same Mom
10 New Year’s Resolutions for Moms Who Need to Put Themselves First (and Maybe Actually Stick to Them)
Ah, the fresh start that comes with a new year—time to hit “reset” and pretend like this year’s resolutions won’t end with us once again finding ourselves stuck in a Netflix marathon, eating leftover mac ‘n cheese at 11:30 PM.
I’m going to lose weight, I’m going to read more, I’m going to…
Yeah, we’ve all said it.
But here’s the thing, being a mom means your resolutions often get shoved right to the bottom of the list—under gymnastics practice, endless laundry, and “I’m hungry” for the 500th time today.
But you know what? This year can be different. It’s time to promise ourselves that we’ll finally make space for our own dreams without losing sight of the fact that we’re doing an amazing job raising little humans.
Here are 10 resolutions to keep this year that don’t just make us better moms—they’ll make us feel more like ourselves again. And yes, we’re going to make them doable, because who has time for impossible standards?
1. Put You First This Year
I mean, is it really self-care if you don’t even remember to care about yourself?
Let’s be honest, how many times have you
- skipped a shower
- a meal
- your own bedtime
to take care of everyone else? Guilty as charged!
As a mom we wear many hats, the teacher, the janitor, the maid, the chef, the chauffeur and we tend to forget about our own needs.
Now don’t get me wrong my husband plays the same roles as I do when he is home and I am so blessed and thankful for that! But, he also works during the day and as a stay at home mom my job is my kids 24/7.
I wouldn’t change this for the world! But, our kids aren’t getting 100% when we are running essentially on fumes.
So my suggestion? This year, let’s stop pretending we don’t deserve the space to breathe.
Take that 10-minute morning coffee break
before the chaos begins. Go for a walk around the block. Heck, lock yourself in the bathroom for five minutes of “quiet”, if that exists, and do absolutely nothing for a few minutes to clear your mind!
When you make “you” a priority- even just for a few minutes a day- you’ll be a better mom, partner, and human. Prioritizing your self- care, whatever that looks like to you, means a better version of you for your kids.
Try Taking one day every month to dedicate just to you!
Make it a massage, nails, hair, all the above. Do a whole day for you!
Find a local place that you love and make it a habit to get there once a month. For me, the perfect place for a full day of R&R is Southern Salt Therapy and Coffee Co
2. Spending Quality & One-On-One Time With Your Kids
Have you ever gotten so caught up in the daily grind that you barely get any real quality time with your kids? Some days, it feels like you’re just going through the motions—wake up, get through the routine, and crash.
But when do we hit pause on the endless tasks and focus on what really matters—our kids?
Trust me, the laundry will still pile up whether you do it now or later. The dishes? Same story. Your phone will still have the same notifications, whether you check it now or after bedtime. And yes, it’s okay if your house looks like a toy bomb went off.
Motherhood is messy—and that’s totally fine.
Here’s the thing: our kids are only little for so long. So why not take time to enjoy those precious moments with them? Forget about the chores for a bit and
- Run through the rain at your local nature center.
- Build couch cushion forts and pretend they’re princess castles.
- Have a silly dance party in the living room.
- Go to an open gym at a local indoor play space
- Do a brunch date!
Moments of play and joy will stick with you and your kids, and guess what? You’ll probably feel like a pretty cool mom too.
This year, let’s also make it a priority to spend one-on-one time with each child —even if it’s just 20 minutes of uninterrupted play or reading. It’ll strengthen your bond and make parenting feel more purposeful, instead of just trying to survive the day. Because the chores will always be there, but these moments won’t last forever.
3. Actually Make time for Your Partner
Remember what it was like before kids, when you could just sit on the couch and talk? Yeah, me either!
But seriously, if you’re always giving your energy to the kids, the to-do list, the house, etc. – when are you and your partner supposed to reconnect?
This year, make a point to carve out intentional time together. It could be a date night, a shared hobby, or just sitting down after the kids go to bed with a glass of wine or a bowl of popcorn and turning on a movie or just catching up with each other. You’ll be surprised how much of a difference this time with each other makes.
4. Try Something New
We all get stuck in the routine of school runs, laundry, and dishes, but this year, let’s make it a point to shake things up. Try a new hobby, take a class, or just do something you’ve always wanted to do but never had the time for.
If you’ve always wanted to learn to paint, bake a cake that doesn’t come from a box, or even just try a new workout, now’s your chance.
Who says moms can’t be fun and adventurous? This is an awesome list to consider! 30 Things to Do Before You Turn 30
5. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others and Trying to Be Perfect!
Here’s the thing about perfection: it doesn’t exist.
It’s a social media highlight reel, a Pinterest board, or a dream that will leave you exhausted, guilt-ridden, and possibly eating a pint of ice cream in the corner, chocolate moose tracks is my favorite.
Let’s resolve to ditch the perfect mom mindset. You don’t have to bake the perfect birthday cake, make every meal from scratch, or wear designer clothes to prove you’ve “got it all together.” Sometimes “good enough” is perfect. And we need to be OK with that. Because of this pressure to be “perfect” we start to compare!
How many times have you looked at someone else’s life and thought, “I should be doing more” or “Why can’t I be that organized”? STOP!
The only person you should be comparing yourself to is you from yesterday.
There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to motherhood. We all have different struggles and strengths. Embrace where you are, and stop stressing about what anyone else is doing. You’re doing great. And if you’re not, it’s okay to be messy.
6. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help in the New Year!
I mean, really. Why do we moms act like we can do it all? Guess what? We don’t have to. Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness—it’s a sign of wisdom.
- Ask partner to pick up dinner
- Reach out to a friend for help with the kids so you can recharge.
—don’t be afraid to admit you’re only human. No one expects you to carry the load alone.
In fact, you’ll be a better mom when you don’t. I am guilty of this on so many levels!
We get frustrated when no one in my house helps, but the truth is I never ask! I put such a high standard on myself to be a wonder woman and do it ALL! And I’m learning that not only is this not realistic, it’s not healthy!
If you ask my family and friends two things that are my weakness it would be
- Never saying “NO”
- Always saying “sorry”
Moms are notorious for overcommitting because we feel guilty saying no. But this year, let’s get comfortable with no. You don’t have to sign up for every school bake sale or agree to every social obligation.
Saying no doesn’t make you a bad mom or a bad friend or even a bad person. It makes you a person who’s respecting her time, her energy, and her well being.
Say no, and mean it! Without an apology!
8. Declutter Your Life
Clutter isn’t just the mess you can see—it’s also the emotional baggage we carry. This year, let’s clear out the junk, both in our homes and in our minds.
Start small
maybe a drawer or a closet, or if you’re feeling extra bold, tackle an entire room. The less stuff you have weighing you down, the more space you’ll create for what really matters: your family, your health, and your peace of mind. A decluttered home equals a calmer, more focused life—and honestly, who doesn’t need more of that?
Declutter the negativity
Whether it’s family or friends, if someone is draining your energy or adding unnecessary stress, it’s time to set some boundaries.
I’m not saying you should ditch your loved ones, but it’s about learning to control how much emotional space you let them take up.
Limit those draining phone calls, speak up when you need to avoid situations that don’t lift you up, and protect your peace like it’s your most precious possession. Because it is.
9. Let Go of the Mom Guilt
This is a big one. I can’t tell you the amount of times I have cried at night thinking I am the worst mom on earth because I yelled at them or because I didn’t feel like I did enough for them that day!
How many times have you felt guilty about something—whether it’s missing a school event, needing a break, or snapping at your kid because you’re at the end of your rope?
Mom guilt is toxic.
This year, we need to let it go. You are doing the best you can, and that’s enough. The fact that you have this guilt proves you are doing something right! If you’ve had a tough day, that’s okay. If you need a moment to breathe, that’s okay too.
Giving yourself permission to stop feeling guilty is freedom. If there’s one thing to focus on this year, let it be this: let go of the mom guilt and show yourself some much-needed grace.
10. Remind Yourself That You’re an Amazing Mom, and You Got This.
As moms, we’re bound to stumble sometimes, but the best thing we can do is forgive ourselves, rise up, and try again. And when we get it right, let’s take a moment to celebrate those wins, no matter how small.
Here’s a thought: what if we spent more time telling ourselves that we’re doing a good job instead of running ourselves ragged trying to be perfect? You are an incredible mom, even if you don’t feel like it every day.
You show up, you love hard, and you’re teaching your kids to be kind, strong, and resilient.
You’ve got this, even on the days you feel like you don’t. And if you ever need to hear it, here it is: YOU. ARE. AMAZING.
So, here’s to making this year where we put ourselves on the list without guilt, laugh through the messes, and remember that loving ourselves means loving our families better too. Cheers to a year full of grace, joy, and a whole lot of fun!
New Year “MOMTRAS”
- “I am the best mother there is for my children.”
- “I am adaptable and can do hard things.”
- “I am giving myself grace!”
- “I am showing up for myself and my children!”
- “I am the calm in my children’s chaos!”
- “I am showing my children unconditional love!”
- “ I am setting boundaries to protect my peace!”
- “I am the safe place for my children and I am my children’s best bet!”
- “I am an amazing mother and an amazing person outside of motherhood!”
- “I am worthy. I am ENOUGH!”
You’ve got this, mama.
What are some of your New Years Resolutions for YOU? How do you spend alone time? What’s the perfect date night for you?
Also check out:30 Things to Do Before You Turn 30